TECO Industrial Park continues its commitment to comprehensive Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) programs in 2024 with a series of successful trainings and activities for employees and locators within the park.
January 9 - 5S+2 (Good Corporate Housekeeping) Training
TECO Industrial Park conducted a 5S+2 Training on January 9, providing employees and locators with the necessary knowledge and skills to create an organized, efficient, and visually effective work environment. The training, attended by Fibre Sorting Inc., True North Manufacturing Services Corporation, Envirocycling Fiber Inc., Fifth Discipline Packaging Paper Corporation, MultiPly Paper Ventures Inc., and TECO employees, focused on eliminating waste, improving flow, and streamlining processes in the workplace.
January 26 - Successful Mobile Blood Donation Drive
In collaboration with the Philippine Red Cross, TECO Industrial Park organized a mobile blood donation drive on January 26. TECO employees and locators participated in the event, resulting in the collection of 70 bags of blood from various donors. The collected blood bags were turned over to the Red Cross blood bank, ensuring its safekeeping and availability for future use.
January 27 to 29 - Standards of Forklift Trainer Certification Workshop
TECO Industrial Park hosted a Standards of Heavy Equipment Operations (Forklift) Trainer Certification Workshop from January 27 to 29. The three-day workshop, conducted by La Union Tek-bok Training Provider, Inc. (LUTTP), a TESDA-accredited TVET and assessment center, provided participants from Hewtech Philippines Electronics Corp., MultiPly Paper Ventures Inc., Fibre Sorting Inc., Envirocycling Fiber Inc., Fifth Discipline Packaging Paper Corporation, MultiPly Paper Ventures Inc., Speed Express Logistics, and TECO with the necessary certification to train forklift operators within their group.
With these initiatives, TECO Industrial Park further enhances its commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of its employees and locators, while promoting a productive and efficient work environment.